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A Braided Cord with a Tender Hand

A Braided Cord with a Tender Hand

She called this past week. The dearest of friends. Over thirty years of friendship. The mere sound of her voice on the other side of the phone moved me to tears, and joy, and laughter, all at the same time. We don’t talk weekly, at times a month or two can pass before...

Awakened & Instructed

It seems every day we encounter those who are in need of an encouraging word. To be those who can give an encouraging word, we are going to need to be in the source of all encouragement. “The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word...

He Knows Us Entirely

A few days of reading in the Psalms brings the reminder we can rest in His promises because He knows entirely. And He knows us entirely. Entirely, according to means, “wholly or fully; completely or unreservedly; solely or exclusively; totally,...

God Remembers {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

I grew up in Sunday School which means the story of Noah and the ark is a most familiar one. Yet the story does not grow old and never fails to bring a fresh insight. God had Noah build an ark according to very specific instructions, which Noah carefully follows to a...