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Fight the Good Fight

We brought our study, Chosen: A Study in the book of Ephesians, to a close last week. It was a powerful week as we continued to look at parts of the armor which Christ has provided for us. We began with the helmet of salvation, as found in Ephesians 6:17. The helmet...

Strategy & Protection in the Battle

I have a confession to make … I have been anticipating this portion of Ephesians (and our next study – Standing Firm) since our group began this study! I have been so aware of my need to learn more about spiritual battles and how to better wage them. Sure...

When Fear Came Calling

Fear came calling one day last week. It does not take much – a phone call, an email, perhaps a visit – and fear thinks it can move in to stay. As women who seem programmed to love, nurture, and care for our families, and friends, we are uniquely...