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Come to His Table

I love a good salad. Many times when I go out to eat, a salad is my preference. There is nothing that says “Refreshing” or “Satisfying” like a salad. Picking around can uncover a treasure of ingredients and flavors and … enjoyment. My conclusion has long...

He Keeps Inviting Us

I love a good salad. When I go out to eat, a salad is often my meal of choice. There is nothing that says “Refreshing” or “Satisfying” like a good salad, one in which I can pick around to uncover a treasure of ingredients and flavors and … enjoyment. My...

Be His Guest

“He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,” they grumbled.” Luke 19:7, NLT) “Zacchaeus needed Jesus. He needed Him so much, he was willing to make a spectacle of himself just to get a glimpse of the Man. He climbed up into that...