by Joanne | Apr 2, 2024 | Let's Have Coffee
Easter has passed and I’m finding myself still drawn to thinking on the events. Jesus is resurrected to life, presents Himself to a few, and then what happens? In the Book of Acts, Luke gives us a glimpse: “To these He also presented Himself alive after...
by Joanne | Sep 5, 2023 | Book Reviews, Let's Have Coffee
As believers, we all face days or circumstances that will challenge our strength. The question becomes not if we will face them but how will we face them. In her latest book, “Little Strength Big God”, Debbie W. Wilson addresses this very question...
by Joanne | Jun 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Aspire. Sitting looking at the word for a good amount of time, I wondered if I ever had any aspirations. Some long for a career, an...
by Joanne | Feb 24, 2022 | Uncategorized
My One Word for 2022 weaves it’s way through my thoughts every now and then. It’s funny how it can leap out and take on depth of meaning, even when the word is not in the forefront of my thoughts. “Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new...
by Joanne | Mar 3, 2021 | Let's Have Coffee
One never knows what one will find in the early morning hours. For instance, the other morning I got up from reading to go grab a second cup of coffee and upon returning found four turkeys in our yard. One was obviously the “leader” as he was up front and...