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The Only Name {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Names. We all have one. We may have even been called a few. Our names are chosen upon our birth and cling to us for the rest of our days. A recent conversation about names has had me reflecting on their importance. “A good name is to be more desired than great...

Where’s Your Treasure? {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

The banking crisis has caught the attention of most people these days. It is fascinating to read articles as to how it should be corrected, what to keep an eye on, and suggestions for the average person. We have not accumulated much, but we have worked hard to get...

Character, Faithfulness & Love

There is no time like the present to think about the qualities of leadership, faithfulness, and compassion. ~*~*~ We began the week with reading 1 Timothy 3:1-7, where Paul begins the chapter with talking about church leadership roles and the importance of those who...


Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Willing. My Bible dictionary tells me “willing” means “to be inclined or favorably disposed in mind; accepted by choice or without...