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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Cover. I cannot sleep if the covers on our bed are not up to at least my neck. My arms need to be under and most nights, the only...
Put into Practice  {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Put into Practice {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Practice, according to the dictionary is “to perform or do habitually or usually”. The word brings to mind the idiom: Practice what you preach. There are so many voices “preaching” nowadays. A quick scroll through Twitter will have any number of people telling us how...

It’s All Kingdom Work

We continued with preaching the gospel to our own souls and Leviticus 19:33-34; Romans 12:9-21; and Luke 10:25-37. The topic? Hospitality. The study defines it: “Biblical hospitality is focused on others, not self. It is focused on meeting other’s needs,...

Really Love Them {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

In his book, “Love Does”, Bob Goff makes these observations: The ones Jesus first picked to follow Him started out typical, to be sure. God is constantly inviting them into a life that moves away from the typical. Jesus lets us be real with our life and our faith....

Remembering Those Silly & Serious Conversations

National Days. They are often a fun and silly way of remembering things, perhaps celebrating them. For instance, today October 31st is ”“ National Knock Knock Jokes Day. Seriously, who knew? You probably thought I was going to say something about Halloween. But no....