by Joanne | Jun 4, 2024 | Let's Have Coffee
In watching my three granddaughters while their parents work, the noon time question would be posed, “What would you like for lunch?” One was not particular at all. Another would answer, “pizza” every day. The other still says, “grilled...
by Joanne | Apr 7, 2020 | Encouragement
We are in a challenging time in our world and country. This month I’ll be sharing once a week from the devotional “Awaken” by Priscilla Shirer, making time to pray, listen, and record as the Lord speaks to my heart. ” There is One who makes...
by Joanne | Aug 7, 2019 | Encouragement
“Give us each day the food we need.” (Luke 11:3, NLT) The words have been before me, stirring thoughts and causing me to think, for over a week. It is one line from “The Lord’s Prayer” – the prayer Jesus Himself gave us as a model....
by Joanne | May 24, 2016 | Encouragement
For the last few days I have been mulling over a small portion of Scripture – Mark 8: 1-4. We find the disciples with a large crowd following Jesus and a problem arises – the people have nothing to eat. The people have been listening to Jesus for...
by Joanne | Nov 24, 2015 | Encouragement
It’s Thanksgiving week. Preparations have started here at our house with at least the food shopping being mostly done. This morning I have found myself humming a song, the words floating through my thoughts … What a difference a day makes Twenty-four...