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Praying For Girls

Raising children is not for the faint of heart. Throw in changing hormones, and raising a girl may have been one of the biggest struggles faced as a mom. No baby childcare book can prepare you for the years ahead fully. Perhaps this is why this book is so needed....

The Mother Letters

Mothering. There is surely no task as difficult, as frustrating, and as challenging as that of being a mom. There is also not task which will bring more joyous, as filled with love, and rewarding. In the midst of temper tantrums and laundry piles, every mom needs to...
Mothering from Scratch & A Giveaway

Mothering from Scratch & A Giveaway

I was married when I was twenty two and gave birth to my first child at the ripe old age of twenty four. I will never be able to forget the feeling of my first night with her in my hospital room. There she was all swaddled in her hospital gown with a cap on her head....

Breathe and Love

With Jocelyn now being “on the go ” each day, I was reminded of a post I had written about two years ago. While written with moms of little ones in mind, they truly do apply for any stage of parenting. And so, here is that post, somewhat edited…....