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Wait For the Lord  {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Wait For the Lord {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

Easter has passed and I’m finding myself still drawn to thinking on the events. Jesus is resurrected to life, presents Himself to a few, and then what happens? In the Book of Acts, Luke gives us a glimpse: “To these He also presented Himself alive after...

One Word 2023 {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

At some point towards the end of November, I felt pretty certain I would not have a new word for 2023. Truth be told, I did not want one. I had begun to participate in One Word in 2014 and thought it might just be time to skip a year. In 2014 ”“ it was Faith. In 2015...

One Word 2022

Somewhere in the middle of November, I began to wonder if I would have a One Word 2022. It’s hard to believe it has been a practice of mine for seven years already. In 2014 ”“ it was Faith. In 2015 ”“ it was Believe. In 2016 ”“ it was See. In 2017 ”“ it was...