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Come to His Table

I love a good salad. Many times when I go out to eat, a salad is my preference. There is nothing that says “Refreshing” or “Satisfying” like a salad. Picking around can uncover a treasure of ingredients and flavors and … enjoyment. My conclusion has long...

The Dinner Table {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

The Old Testament repeatedly tells us of the many times which God’s people wandered, not only physically, but spiritually as well. Their hearts were drawn to other gods, and idols took the place of the one true God. Reading the book of Jeremiah is sobering as...

He Keeps Inviting Us

I love a good salad. When I go out to eat, a salad is often my meal of choice. There is nothing that says “Refreshing” or “Satisfying” like a good salad, one in which I can pick around to uncover a treasure of ingredients and flavors and … enjoyment. My...

Setting A Table

It was a Sunday much like other Sundays with family gathered around the dining room table for dinner. As the platters were being passed, I asked him, “What did you have for lunch?” He laughingly replied, “I didn’t have lunch. See? When you...