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Strain to See

The question was posed to the group of us, “What promises of God are you standing on in prayer?” She asked because there were several who were discouraged. They had been praying the same prayer for the same need for a length of time. The psalmist knew what...
Laundry, Dishes & Dust Bunnies

Laundry, Dishes & Dust Bunnies

You see it from the corner of your eyes…. the dishes in the sink, the laundry waiting to be done, another dust bunny floating across the wood floors, baths to yet be given. You realize that you are tired & he has a late night meeting. You will be going it...
Laundry, Dishes & Dust Bunnies

His Mercies Are New

Dear Weary Mom – It is amazing how such a little life can bring such fatigue. It is a fatigue beyond any other. Truly. There are days that we just long for them to go down for a nap – easily – without crying, without rocking till our arms feel like...