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Our Need For Moisture {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

My plants need to be watered. Sitting here they are in plain sight, and while they look fine, it has been about a week since they were provided some water. Moisture – it basically means diffused liquid, in this case, water. Moisture is important as it freshens...

Our Worth Is Secure

The thought had been with me for quite a number of days …  We are all image bearers. We bear the image of Christ. In creating man, God stamped His very image on each of us. Our worth stems from the truth God loves us because He created us and not based on...

Inside and Outside

The words were before me in a version I do not read regularly: “God hasn’t invited us into a disorderly, unkempt life but into something holy and beautiful – as beautiful on the inside as the outside.” (1 Thessalonians 4:7, MSG) They stayed...
{{Fringe Hours}} Finding abundant beauty & pleasure

{{Fringe Hours}} Finding abundant beauty & pleasure

From the time I married, life has been busy. It was not unusual for us to have friends over several nights a week – for dinner, a movie, to watch a sports game, to play cards. With the birth of our children came the demands of parenting and taking care of their...