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Our Growth

“After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” (1 Peter 5:10, NASB) “We must make our choice, commit to it, and take our...

Even More

Every day there are things we could do “even more” and in so doing, these actions would be beneficial to our lives. As I’ve been reading Scripture lately, I have been noticing repeated words or small words which seem to stand out above others. It was...

Committed to Our Growth

Recently we vacationed in the same house as last year. Our vacation had been such a fun and memorable time, we all longed to return. Our desire was to get away from the stresses of the last several months, to step away from it all, and relax. And so we did. We had...

Befriending Your Monsters

My daughter shared just the other day of our granddaughter having had a rough night getting to sleep due to fear of “ghosts”. She logically presented how she knew there was no such thing. Yet due to a video she had seen during the day, when she closed her...


Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is … Stay. I don’t want to stay in this time forever. I want to move on, and move forward from this season. I want to grow and gain...