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Will you hold the rope?

When you are a part of  The Lulu Tree for years, since the beginning of its formation, a mystery takes place in your spirit. The people, the faces, the growth all become personal as the mystery of an attachment begins to root deeply in your heart. A sense of family...

Let the Children Come to Me

The verse has been before me for just about two weeks … “But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before...

Summer Rains & Prayer

It’s early Sunday morning and I have gotten out of bed before the alarm clock went off. Not even the coffee was ready and waiting for me as the autodrip had not even been called to begin. I opened the back door to let the cool morning in, and was met by the soft...

Take Every Opportunity

I recently shared my review of The Return (<< affiliate link) by Lacey Sturm and as I stated, am reading through it a bit more slowly a second time. Reviews often require a hurried read through, while all the time the words call us back. I headed to the bank one...

More Blessed to Give

The beads have been hanging on my computer for some time now. The tag reminds me: “Created with joy by – Gloria.” More so, they remind me to pray not only for Gloria but for the others as well. How can one even explain the love and concern which can...