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Wisdom Has a Voice

Wisdom Has a Voice

We gather our information from a variety of sources. Yet all sources are not created equally, and wisdom is needed in order to sort information wisely. Not all information is helpful or right for every person. We are unique individuals, molded by God, and on the paths...
Live Free & Unhindered

Live Free & Unhindered

Decisions have never come easily to me. I tend to process slowly and deeply, which has its pros and cons. Once made, a single decision can change the entire direction of one’s life. So we want to make the right choices and feel confident the outcome will be good. We...
Our Compassionate & Everlasting God

Our Compassionate & Everlasting God

We brought this time in the psalms to a close last week. We will return to the psalms in the new year. Psalm 86 The heading of this chapter – Supplication to the compassionate God – brings the reminder of the compassion of our God. David surely knew this...

Making Wise Choices

Choices. We are faced with them from the moment the alarm goes off in the morning … Get out of bed or hit the snooze button? Socks, slippers or barefoot? Coffee or tea? Email or devotional? Pancakes or yogurt? The choices come at us right from the start of our day...

So Teach Us

“So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NASB) “Moses’s words summarize what we need to know if we want to make our lives count. We live one day at a time … God has ordained that the...