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The Day After

Palm Sunday was yesterday. The day of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the city He loved and caused Him to weep. The people hailed Him as King, praising God for all the wonderful miracles they had now seen. And so marked the beginning of Holy Week. Or...

A Living Doxology

It’s hard to believe it has been a six month journey thus far with my word “Prevail”. This morning the word popped up in my reading of Scripture again. “Iniquities prevail against me; As for our transgressions, You forgive them. How blessed is...

Simply Worship Jesus

“They entered the house and saw the child in the arms of Mary, his mother. Overcome, they kneeled and worshiped him.”Â  (Matthew 2:11, The Message) They entered.          They saw.                They worshiped. Sometimes we can make this so...

Blessing, Repentance, Worship

Last week brought us officially into the Advent season with the reading of Psalm 24. My Grampa Spano loved this psalm and in particular verses 3-4. I can well remember him teaching me, as a little girl, to keep my heart clean and to be truthful. It is to this person...

Bow Down & Worship

Christmas always brings with it a rush of emotions as we hear songs familiar and tender. Yet they can fall on us with a freshness that stirs our hearts to wonder as they breathe life into our souls. Such was the case recently … “A virgin cried when You were born....