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Day 22: Do You Believe This?

Yesterday was one of those days in which three year old Jocelyn talked to me all day long. Like in – all day long. Conversation was important to her. She wanted to share with me every exciting thought going through her little mind. We converse with those who are...

Day 21: What About Inside?

So much takes place around a dinner table – conversation, laughter, relationships are forged, and then of course, the eating of good food. We often find Jesus gathered around a table for a meal. Sometimes it was an intimate time with the disciples. On other...

Day 20: Who Was The Neighbor?

Neighbors. They sure can bring out the best, or the worst, in any of us. They can be difficult to get along with or a delight to see each day. We often define neighbor as those living on each side of our own home, or at the very least, in close proximity. Jesus, in...

Day 19: Why Call Me Lord?

Three year old Jocelyn has become big into names. She has realized while my title is “Mimi”, I also have a name. So she asks, “What’s you name?” Our names. They assign identity and relationship to our lives. They can also delegate...

Day 18: Didn’t You Know?

I have never lost one of my children in a crowd or a store. However, there is this one time I have not forgotten. Our mom was taking us downtown to catch the ferry to go see the Statue of Liberty. Our mode of transportation was the typical for New Yorkers – the...