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The Lenten season began yesterday. I did not grow up practicing Lent. No explanation as to why, we just did not. For the last few weeks, I found myself drawn into this whole idea of “giving up” something. I always found it interesting to hear what others gave up for this time. In my feeble mind, it seemed like the object given up came pretty easy to people. Not much struggle. Not much would be missed.

Or would it?

I found myself wondering just how difficult it would be to give up ONE thing for 40 days. Seriously. How hard can this be? I spent a few days trying to decide what one thing that would be for me. I wanted that I surrender that one thing with the right motivation of heart. So I kept thinking…..

Wednesday afternoon, I decided to give up cookies for the 40 days of Lent. And then last night, my husband came home with the long awaited —


Lent is represented by 40 days of fasting from something much the way that Christ fasted for 40 days before He started His public ministry. It is to be a time of prayer, repentance, alms-giving & self-denial.

Giving up cookies did not seem to be such a difficult thing until the much desired showed up on the scene 🙂 Now it would be a true sacrifice.

Yesterday’s  tea time was the first test. Tea & cookies quickly became a tea solo. Tea sans cookies. Oh, the easy had now become difficult.

I remembered that Jesus also fasted those 40 days in the wilderness. He knew exactly how I was feeling. He knew what it was to go without.

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

John 12: 24, 25 NIV

And that is so it – I want that my life to bear much fruit. Far better to let the single seed die in me & produce many seeds thereafter. So for this season, no cookies. I want the deeper work done in my heart & mind & soul.