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Settle the Question

Settle the Question

  Growing up, I loved going to church. It played a large and important part of my childhood. Sunday School, VBS, and youth group each helped to shape my life. Going into my adult life, we attended church and yet, it seemed more like habit until reading a...
The Infinite Worth

The Infinite Worth

Last week we concluded our time in More Than Anything and our study of idolatry. God has given us much to enjoy and find delight. The problem lies when we look to them to fulfill us, to give our lives meaning, or purpose. We can often let those very things consume us...
Our Quest for Knowledge

Our Quest for Knowledge

As we continued on in our study on various idols in our lives, we looked at success, achievements, careers, and materialism. The one which spoke most deeply to my own life was knowledge. We begin learning from the moment we are born. More so, from the beginning of...
Merely Vessels

Merely Vessels

“What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God...
Lean on the All-Sufficient One

Lean on the All-Sufficient One

We continued to look at idols which can take root in our lives. We can look to appearance, food, body image, and health to name a few. But one stood out from the rest, almost like the leader of the pack – the idol of self-sufficiency. Society feeds us the lie...
Sacrifice is the Beginning

Sacrifice is the Beginning

  The days leading up to Easter bring us to reflect much on the sacrifice, death, and resurrection of our Lord. Maybe this is the reason the verse poked at my soul for a few days. “He said, “Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the...