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After I read 7 by Jen Hatmaker, it left me challenged for well over a year in ways that I never would have thought possible. I am currently working through the study workbook by the same title & one would think it would be a “safe” journey 🙂 How wrong I was to ever have that thought. It is once again, challenging me in ways, well, that I wish it didn’t.

I am coming to realize that the purpose of marketing is to create within us a discontent which continually gnaws at us. We hear ads every day that encourage us to try a diet, go on vacation, buy this make-up, lease a car, get our teeth whitened, buy a new phone, get faster internet, more cable channels, new sneakers, & even will find us a date or spouse. Can I just throw in something here that drives me crazy??? Have you noticed that there is a dating service for every possibility known to mankind – Asian, Christian, Jewish, Black, etc. I do not think we have ever had such a dating market before. OK, back to the main point now….

To further add to this dilemma, much of what we buy & own will become obsolete or lose value fairly quickly. Think of it – even a new car loses value the very minute you drive it off the lot. If you think you are not prone to want the “new”, let me share that all I needed last night was a moment where my phone went blank & I immediately began to wonder about a new replacement. Thankfully, it was only a second & my phone will be around till it dies. But here is what I realized…..The manifold wisdom of God to give us this commandment:

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” (Exodus 20:17 NIV84).

It is when we see what someone else has that we think, “I want that too!”.

Yes, we truly do need to learn contentment with the things we already have. But this morning as I thought on this, I questioned myself….

  • How does one become content with what they have?
  • Can one be SATISFIED with what they already have?

As I sat wrestling with the questions in my heart, the words of Jesus came to me:

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” (Matthew 5:6 ESV)

He will never fade away or diminish in our lives. It is when we chase after that which completely fills that we will truly be satisfied.


** I linked up at The Cozy Book Hop.