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Just about a month ago, I became involved in a project to raise funds for a home for single moms called Mercy House in Kenya. It was a project being done in five phases. My participation would be during Phase 4. So I stood by and watched as amazing things happened:

  • Phase 1: to raise funds for a new van —-> DONE!
  • Phase 2: to raise funds for a classroom addition —-> DONE!
  • Phase 3: to raise funds for a new generator —-> DONE!

And now Phase 4 — to raise funds for a computer lab.


If you are reading this post, you have been blessed with a computer and internet. I know that I have been so blessed through my own computer. Not a day goes by that I do not use mine – emails, blogging, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Fantasy Sports, You Tube, Words With Friends. Need I say more? We are connected in more ways than we ever give thought. Yet there are many that go without this convenience. This much needed tool.


Mercy House not only helps young pregnant moms keep their babies. They also educate these young women. Their desire is to raise the funds to build a computer lab inside the maternity home to teach their high school girls computer skills. Besides a basic high school education, they want their girls to become computer proficient so as to provide them an advantage for when they are on their own.

MHK-ComputerLab-5So here’s the deal…. They need $2,150. That’s it. And the computer lab will be a reality. If we all do our part, big or small, it can happen. We can help these young moms make a better life for themselves and for their babies. Will you consider perhaps giving up your coffee, even one cup, and donating to this cause?

May you not be able to peck away at your keys without thinking of this project. I am praying that we will all be moved, do our part and make this happen.

HpEav2W4-A6YtX7pzPXCkIPA5-_nZ0T0ANxLvRiCSF8    Click here to make your donation .