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“What are we going to do next?”

Next. Just the word begins to fill us with an anticipation, a looking forward – to the next day, the next activity, the next celebration, the next paycheck, the next in line at the store, the next step.

The word rushes us through our days, and lives.

Yet Jesus’ own words remind us to pray and live differently:

‘Give us this day our daily bread. …” (Matthew 6:11, NASB)

No anticipation. We are to simply rest in the truth that today He will meet our need, in this moment before us.

The Israelites learned how to live in the moment as they scooped up their manna for the day each morning. They could only gather enough for themselves and their household, and no more. Scooping up extra would only cause it to go bad as it could not saved for the next day.

Here is what I am remembering and re-learning:

  1. We need to be fed today. Much the way I need food to sustain me each day, I need to take in sustenance from God’s Word every day. I need a daily word. Yesterday’s word was excellent, but I need a fresh word today. And I need a balanced diet.
  2. We don’t even know what we need. Much the way God provided an unknown food in the wilderness, He has a vast supply of food yet unknown to me. He knows when and how to introduce me to something new. Think of it this way, when I was a kid, there was no way anyone could get me to eat spinach. Now as an adult, it is one of my favorite vegetables. We mature and develop new taste buds as we allow Him to feed us each day.
  3. He is to be our source. In Jesus’ own words, “I am the bread of life!” (John 6:48, NASB). He gives us what will nourish our souls for the day so that we don’t merely survive the day but we live the day.

As we come to Him each and every day, sharing with Him the demands and stresses, He will serve us exactly the portion of Himself which we need in order to face the day. He will serve up the “manna” so that we are content and satisfied fully.

Let’s not move on to the next thing so quickly.
Instead, let’s live daily in the moment,
and let Him feed our souls.

I have been noticing the blooms lately. They seemed to begin happening all of a sudden. In her post. “Spring is Here Will Your Faith Bloom” HERE, Donna Bucher reminded me that we are not to grow weary or give up, for we will reap a harvest in due time. This is true in our gardens and our lives.


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Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash