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Im-Maximizing-My-Mornings-300This week was spent looking at Ephesians 6:10-24 and finishing the study. This was my first study with Hello Morning and it has truly been such a blessing! So grateful to have found my group!

This last week so rightly focused on the fact that we are engaged in a battle. Daily. It is in His power, through His Spirit, that we can live each day in victory. Perhaps not in perfection but in strength and might. His.

These truths stood out this week to me:

  1. Be fully dressed. Do not venture out on any given day with a part of our armor left behind. Partially dressed is a recipe for disaster for that will be the very spot where the enemy will take aim. And he will hit hard knowing that we are unprotected. (Ephesians 6: 10, 13).
  2. There IS an enemy. And he wages war against us. Each of us. None of us are exempt from his attacks. He does not wage war without a strategy. That strategy is unique to each of us. (Ephesians 6:11).
  3. We can stand firm.  There is a battle but we do not need to go down for the count. With our armor in place, we will find that we are standing firm AFTER the battle has passed. (Ephesians 6:13).

The one truth that I will keep in my heart from this study is this:

His grace is enough.



Linking with Hello Mornings .