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She’s a climber. Never really had one before. My own two did not climb very much, certainly never climbed out of their cribs. Her sister was not much of one.

Climbing seems to be Jocelyn’s spiritual gift and she is excelling at getting herself in the most remarkable places. The thing about her climbing is it truly is not done mischievously. She just seems to do what is coming very naturally to her. And so, it should not have surprised me when I looked up from the sink to see her doing this…..

photo-107She managed to suspend herself, planking if you will, between the couch and the coffee table. Standing at the sink, I knew better than to say anything, yet I have never been more grateful for the open concept space of my home! No matter how many times I took her down, she resumed her position. One might think she was trying to climb up onto the table. This was actually the position of choice to watch TV!

As you can imagine, I sent the picture to her mom and the texting began….

“Oh my gosh, what is she doing?”

“She is going to be the death of me!”

“She is going to knock out her front teeth by the time she is 2!”

All very true comments. And yet, the truth is …. Jocelyn is a climber. Keeping her safe is a full time job all in itself. One too hard for me or truly for any of us. I found myself wondering…

  • “Who will keep her safe at school?”
  • “What about when she starts playing sports?”
  • “Who is going to protect her little feelings when children say mean things?”
  • “And what about boys? Who is going to hold her heart together when a boy shatters it to pieces?”
  • “And driving on the road..who will protect her then?”
  • “And then there are college rejection letters.”

Yes, who indeed? How does anyone stay safe in life?

As the day progressed and I continued to be amazed by Jocelyn’s feats of climbing, I remembered ….

Not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God that a whole flock of sparrows. (Matthew 10:29b-31, NLT)

My anxiety was immediately calmed by the reassurance of God’s protection over each of our lives. I prayed, asking God, to enable me to keep my eyes on Jocelyn throughout  the day with the ability to recognize danger quickly. I asked Him to help me to keep her safe. And I asked Him to please wrap this precious girl in heavenly bubble wrap for the time being 🙂

Today I am linking with … Playdates With God and  Unite and Soli Deo Gloria and Testimony Tues. and Titus 2 Tues. and Titus 2sday and Teaching What Is Good and Tell Me A Story and Growing Home .