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In writing a letter recently, I used the words “fellow sojourners” as this is truly what we all are in this life.

The interesting thing about sojourners is this … they stay for a time in a place, they live in that place temporarily. And I know we are sojourners in the sense that earth is not our home and we’re headed to the heavenly city. I get that. But ….

What if we were to apply it to circumstances in our lives as well?

“And he is not served by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.
And he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.” (Acts 17:25, 26, NIV)

In thinking about our sojourner status and the above verses, this came to mind:

  1. Everything fits into His majestic plan. Now I am not sure if I have doubted the everything part or that His plan for me was majestic, only that I have doubted. (**FYI – The HLB (Holy Lightening Bolt) has not struck me yet so I am truly finding He handles my doubts and questions quite well!) But “everything” means just that —> everything. Everything which occurs – the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly – all of it fits into His plan.
  2. We long to see the beautiful pattern in our lives. I imagine our lives to look like a beautiful brocade pattern made with rich and luxurious threads. He’s working and looking at the underside, where all the threads are knotted and no pattern or beauty seems evident. There will come a day where He will flip the material over and we will stand, jaw to the floor or perhaps, knees to the ground, amazed at what He was done.
  3. NOW is what we have. It’s all we got folks. And we will not get NOW back as once it passes it becomes WHEN. So let’s choose to live in the now. In the midst of NOW, let’s make the most we can of it. In making the most of NOW, I think the enemy will be mad he even tried to mess with us. The very thought of sending him packing brings me joy NOW!
  4. Let’s not worry about the future as we will find Him sufficient for TODAY. He gives us “life and breath and everything else”. He alone can satisfy every need. He determines “the exact places they should live”. He positions us in the very places we are to live, and work I would add. And in that place, He provides all we need, satisfies and fulfills us.

And why does He do this for us?

“God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.” (verse 27)

So my fellow sojourners, may we seek, reach and remember,

He is near to each one of us.


 This post was shared with …. Thought Provoking Thurs., Tell His Story, Quitting Thurs., Thurs. Favorite Things, Thrive at Home Thurs., Hearts for Home.