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My granddaughter has been huge into superheroes as of late. She speaks of superhero legs running fast and of superhero arms being strong. I watch as she tries to display her “superheroness”.

What is it in us as people that so longs to be a hero? Or to have a hero come to our rescue? But the longing is in us from a very young age. And I am noticing – we don’t outgrow it. If anything, the longing grows deeper and stronger.

A hero has been defined as “a person of distinguished courage or ability.”

March 9th was International Women’s Day. It was a day to honor our heroines. It has given me wonderful reason to pause and think about the heroines I have met over the last year.

We are seeing God raise up “heroes” all over the world to join hands in making a difference in a small part of the world. I am sharing about them over at The Lulu Tree and hope you will join me there.


Today I am joining … Thought Provoking Thursday and #GraceMoments and Coffee for Your Heart and Thursday Favorite Things .