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This week is the start of a new study with Hello MorningsNehemiah: Rebuilt and Restored. Each day of study includes the writing out of one Scripture.

My thoughts turn to the scribes, whose important duty it was to write the Scriptures by hand, carefully preserving every word so that it could be passed down to the next generation.

In my twitter feed one morning last week came this:

Excellent article on the connection between writing and memory. God is so good to align reading so as to make sure I get the point –

“Now go and write down these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the end of time as a witness.” (Isaiah 30:8, NLT)

My Bibles are full of dated index cards with Scriptures written on them. Writing a verse or a promise helps me to stay focused on believing what God has spoken. They are easy to refer to when my faith begins to waver and the enemy tries to cause doubt.

I am finding my mind becoming more filled with Scripture as it comes echoing back at opportune times. This simple act of writing Scripture out by hand is helping me to commit more verses to memory. It confirms for me, what I knew to be true as a student –

I only retain what I have handwritten.
When I write it, I remember it.

Oh sure, I can type much quicker than I can hand write. But I retain less. But that which I have written, hangs around in the halls of my mind, and more importantly, the chambers of my heart forever.

It was surely no coincidence that I was given a copy of Deeper Waters: Immersed in the Life-Changing Truth of God’s Word by Denise J. Hughes.

At a time when technology has never been faster paced, perhaps it is time for us to slow down and return to writing out Scriptures. We need to come back to reading and studying Scripture the old fashioned way. Our eyes and hands need to engage our hearts and minds so we retain God’s Word.

For when we know His Word, we will know His voice.



*The book, Deeper Waters, releases September 1st.


Today I am joining … #RaRaLInkup and TrekkingThru the Week and Teaching What Is Good .