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Listen, Pray & Remember

Listen, Pray & Remember

There were much needed reminders to be found in the psalms which we mined last week. They are such a treasure of comfort for these days we are living. Psalm 81 The study (Seek, by The Daily Grace Co.) titles this chapter – A Call to Listen. We truly do need a...

My Soul Thirsts For You

In the stillness of the night, we can become so aware of our great need of God to calm our fears, to still our hearts and minds with peace. We sleep and wait for the sun to rise knowing it holds coffee to quench our physical thirst, and a quiet time with God’s Word...

The Dinner Table {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

The Old Testament repeatedly tells us of the many times which God’s people wandered, not only physically, but spiritually as well. Their hearts were drawn to other gods, and idols took the place of the one true God. Reading the book of Jeremiah is sobering as...

Endurance and Future Hope

Another week in the study, “A Faith That Endures”, and my appreciation for Paul’s words grew yet again … *~*~* Paul thanked God for the faith and love he saw growing in the Thessalonians. In fact, he tells others about their endurance and...

Ears With Fluff

My three year old granddaughter can tune a person out with the best of them! Seriously. There are times one could almost believe she didn’t hear you at all. As I watch her tune out, I realize this might be genetic as I can do the same thing when I get lost in...