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Another week in the study, “A Faith That Endures”, and my appreciation for Paul’s words grew yet again …

Paul thanked God for the faith and love he saw growing in the Thessalonians. In fact, he tells others about their endurance and faithfulness to the Lord.


Because this church suffered. They were a persecuted church and the persecution had intensified from the time Paul wrote his first letter to them.

Paul affirms and encourages these early believers. He prays for God to give them grace and peace for truly it is only by God’s grace and peace that any of us endure.

Hardship teaches us is that God is always at work even when we may not see His hand in a situation.


Paul prayed for the Thessalonians. He encouraged them to keep on living a life worthy of the call of God. Even as they (and we) wait for future deliverance, we must carry out our daily responsibilities.
“Future hope must encourage us to be faithful today.” (Warren Wiersbe)
We can live in such a way to accomplish the things He prompts us to do because of the grace of our Lord at work in our lives continually.

The  study encouraged us to personalize these verses and pray them for ourselves …
“Lord, I ask that you would enable us to live worthy of the call You have places on our lives. Give us the power to accomplish all the good things our faith prompts us to do. Help us to live in such a way that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ would receive honor. Thank You for Your grace which make makes this even possible in our lives today. It is in Your Name we pray, Amen.”

One of the questions the study asks is: “What is God’s call on your life, and what steps are you taking to obey it?” In other words, what do you need to be faithful in today?


In reading 2 Thessalonians 2:6-12, we are reminded of the work of the lawless one which will be unleashed upon the world during the end times.

Many will be deceived by him and his activities because they have refused to love and accept God’s truth.

We must remember that God is not willing for any to perish (2 Peter 3:9) which is why the Holy Spirit works on every heart, pursuing each one.

As I read this portion this morning, my heart was stirred to pray for the softening of hearts. May those around us see Jesus in us and be moved to seek Him and His truth.

Future hope –
it encourages us to be faithful today!


Photo 1 by Lubo Minar on Unsplash
Photo 2 by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash