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We Humbly Give Thanks

We humbly and wholeheartedly thank you, O loving Lord God, and give you all praise, honor, and glory for your great kindnesses and fatherly faithfulness, and for your tremendous gifts and mercies that you show us now and forever. We also give you heartfelt thanks,...

He’s With Us

Strengthen me, Lord, with your spirit and your might, and give me a strong, firm faith, so I might say to you: My confidence, my God in whom I hope to save me. Let your wisdom be my shield. O Lord, help me, for I desire you. Protect me, for I acknowledge your name. O...

Continue the Work

O Lord, Heavenly Father, from who all good and perfect gifts come; O Father of light, who causes us both to desire and to do your good pleasure; O Lord Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of faith; O Holy Spirit, who works in all things according to your plan: We...

Pure, Clean & White

Holy Father, remove all the sin that binds and oppresses us: anger, disgust, envy, hatred, lust, pride, and greed, the root of all evil. And cleanse our hearts of all unrighteousness. Create in us a clean heart, O Lord, and renew in us a sincere and willing spirit....

His Comfort

Holy Spirit, capture our hearts with your loving strength. Fill them with heavenly comfort and joy so that we may always rest assured in God and face our concerns with joy and contentment, and so as children of God overcome this evil world. Praise be to you forever...