Strengthen me, Lord, with your spirit and your might, and give me a strong, firm faith, so I might say to you: My confidence, my God in whom I hope to save me. Let your wisdom be my shield.
O Lord, help me, for I desire you. Protect me, for I acknowledge your name. O Lord, I call on you, so hear me. Be with me in trouble, rescue me with your almighty hand, and show me eternal salvation in Jesus Christ, our dear Savior. Amen.
(from Amish Prayers, compiled by Beverly Lewis, page 35)
“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you.” (Psalm 9:10, NLT)
Today I am joining … Give Me Grace and Still Saturday and Sunday Stillness and Spiritual Sundays and Scripture & A Snapshot .
What a wonderful photo and beautiful prayer!
Thank you, Elizabeth. I am so grateful that He leads us.
Lovely prayer and picture!
Thank you, Amy. I am so grateful that as He leads us, He is with us. In our midst!
Thank you for starting out my month of March with a picture and prayer that blesses my heart!
I’m so glad that they blessed you. I needed the reminder that as He leads me, He is with me. Like right there with me.
Thank you – this was beautiful – the image spoke such peace to me. Here from #givemegrace
The image did the same thing for me. I needed the reminder that He does not lead me from afar off. No, He leads me while being right there with me. At my side.
Thank you. Some of that Wording is exactly where I’m at in my present-day life. And seeing the photo was really nice. I smiled! Bless you.
Joanne, I am so grateful the prayer spoke to you where you are at. The photo was such a powerful reminder to me that He leads me while drawing me close. He doesn’t lead from afar off. So need to remember this always.
I cling to promises like that. There is so much power in those words. HE DOES NOT ABANDON US!
He truly never does! He is right there with us, walking alongside of us, just like the shepherd in the photo. Blessings!