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Forgotten Teams

It seems like basketball has been a part of our family forever. So when the opportunity came to read and review Coach Wooden’s Forgotten Teams by Pat Williams, I quickly signed up. John Wooden is known for his legendary coaching, his record-breaking run of NCAA...

More Than Rivals

  More Than Rivals by Ken Abraham is more than a book about basketball. It is the true story of the success and greatness two boys can achieve through a deep love for each other that grows out of a love for the game. Eddie Sherlin and Bill Ligion grew up in...

It’s All Him

  These days of sunshine have brought us back outside to play and we’re loving it. The past week has found us in the driveway shooting baskets. It was one of our favorite pastimes with our own children and our two granddaughters are beginning to find...

A Lesson From Coach Wooden

In his book, The 5 Levels of Leadership, John C. Maxwell shares the true account of an experience of John Wooden, the great UCLA basketball coach…. “Most of my college players shot for a higher percentage at UCLA than they did in high school.” I...