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The Perfect Lamb

The pandemic has affected us all, and probably all of us in different ways. As Palm Sunday passed, the longing inside of me was heightened. The desire to sit in church, on the hard wooden pew, and bask in the simplicity of the church service I had come to love was at...

May We Remember

It is Holy Week. Yesterday was Maundy Thursday – the night of our Savior’s last supper. I spent time yesterday reflecting on what transpired all those years ago, for me. All that occurred, happened for me at this present time in life. Very sobering to be sure....

Friendship & Gossip

I continually stand amazed at how God weaves things from various sources together & into my life. No matter how many times I may read or hear something, He never fails to make His Word fresh & new & applicable to where I am at that moment. This week in our...