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Love Does For Kids

Having read Love Does and Everybody Always by Bob Goff, I was delighted to see he and his daughter had written Love Does For Kids. Bob Goff is a storyteller and kids will certainly enjoy the stories he tells in this book. He has taken stories told in his previous...

Wednesdays With Winnie

February – the love month. There will not be a shortage of posts and commercials and tweets about “love”. The other day, I was reminded of this quote by Bob Goff – – “Love doesn’t try to be efficient; when it is most...

My Life Depends on It

There are so many good books out there. I often find myself wanting to read them all and have come to the place of trusting God to show me which are meant for me. And when as well, for timing is everything. Such is the case with the book, Love Does by Bob Goff....