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Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Who. One day as Jesus was walking with His disciples, He asked them a question. “Who do people say I am?” Jesus was not so interested in His own...
Sacrifice To Gain

Sacrifice To Gain

This week I spent five days looking at Ephesians 5:22-33. If you know the passage, it deals with marriage. A God-honoring marriage can point a lost world to a loving Savior. WHAT DID YOU LEARN THIS WEEK? These are challenging verses for sure. The more I looked at...
The Table & Waiting

The Table & Waiting

Communion matters to me. Deeply. I am not even sure what has caused me to think about this for the last few weeks. It started at VBS with a donated loaf of bread from Panera. It looked exactly like the loaf of bread used for Communion when I was growing up. My dad...
Broken For Me

Broken For Me

BROKEN – Funny that this would be the prompt for today. Just yesterday I read about Christ & His last supper. He reminded His followers, His friends, that the Bread represented His Body “broken for you”. To remember that His body was just that...