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Happy Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day. The day men and women everywhere will celebrate love. I don’t usually write about my husband as I try to hold some things close. But somehow today was different. Friday we had an appointment which my husband had been after me for...

The Heart of Marriage

Growing up I longed for a marriage to last a lifetime, children, and a house with the white picket fence. I’ve been blessed with all but the white picket fence. In its place sits the low stone wall common to New England. In May, we will celebrate thirty eight...

Gift of Friendship

The doorbell rang and expecting a package to be delivered, I opened the door. Much to my surprise, it was not my package. There in the door was a sight for sore eyes. My dearest friend stood grinning from ear to ear as she knew she had surprised me once again. We...
The Beauty of Grace

The Beauty of Grace

If you’re a woman, it probably means life is more busy for you than you might like. You may be wishing for more hours in a day. Time to relax, to unwind, to read. The Beauty of Grace by Dawn Camp is a book filled with stories of God’s love for women. It is...