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Communicating to Encourage

We entered our fifth week in the study, Power for the World, where we read of Paul, Silas, and Timothy and the different people with whom they interacted. They gave us lasting examples of effective communication: Encouragement is often needed “once more”....

Great & Few

He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few, So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” (Matthew 9:37-38, NLT) I wonder how many seekers of God are ignored by church...

Day 22: Do You Believe This?

Yesterday was one of those days in which three year old Jocelyn talked to me all day long. Like in – all day long. Conversation was important to her. She wanted to share with me every exciting thought going through her little mind. We converse with those who are...
How to Love Your Neighbor

How to Love Your Neighbor

Evangelism is something which does not come easy for most people. It certainly has not come easy for me. It conjures up images of going door to door, Bible in one hand and tracts in the other. Oh yeah, been there and done that and it wasn’t overly successful....