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Humility. The word has been weaving its way in my thoughts for a few days now. By definition, it is having a modest opinion of oneself or of one’s own importance ( One could say it is not thinking too highly of oneself. It is not the same as poor...

He Blesses the Humble

As the disciples sat with Jesus, He taught about the poor. He went on to address those who mourn and the comfort they will receive. Then He continued: “God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.” (Matthew 5:5, NLT) Humility is often...

The Attitude For Life

The message on the machine was from a contractor/carpenter who had worked on our home several times. He was calling to see if we might have any work for him to do as outside work slows down in the middle of winter. Steve was a humble man who took deep pride in each...

Lose to Gain

If I count myself more, behold Thou standest against me, and my iniquities bear true testimony, and I cannot gainsay it. But if I abase myself, and bring myself to nought, and shrink from all self-esteem, and grind myself to dust, which I am, Thy grace will be...

A Healthy Unity

There’s much talk of unity these days as we all face the challenges of change. Unity, as defined by, is “the state of being one; a whole or totality as combining all its parts into one.” Unity is wonderful and much needed when that...