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Prepare Him Room {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

We’re in the season of waiting, but it is also the season to prepare. We prepare our homes for the arrival of Christmas Day. The lights turn on, the candles are lit, the tree get selected and brought into the house, the decorations set into place. We go up into...

Prepare The Way

“Let every heart, prepare Him room.” I wonder how many times these words have been sung? How many times have they been written about? And yet I wonder … Have I truly prepared my heart? To ”˜prepare’, according to is “to put in proper...

Christmas Preparations

The first gift was bought, our tree brought home and decorated only in the last few days. I hold deep admiration for those whose Christmas cards are written and mailed early. As for me, well, they get done in dribs and drabs as time allows. And I sing … Let...

Preparing Room

Let every heart, prepare Him room. I wonder how many times these words have been sung? How many times have they been written about? And yet I wonder….. Have I truly prepared Him room? As of today, Christmas is two days away. I have had almost an entire month and...