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“Let every heart, prepare Him room.”

I wonder how many times these words have been sung? How many times have they been written about? And yet I wonder …

Have I truly prepared my heart?

To ”˜prepare’, according to is “to put in proper condition or readiness; to get ready by proper assembling”.

“Prepare the way for the Lord’s coming! Clear the road for him!”
(Matthew 3:3b, NLT)

Preparation, in this instance, means to clear the way. I have been trying to clear the way by setting time aside each day to think about Christmas and listen to Christmas carols and read familiar words.

Preparation takes time and effort and energy. Preparation takes sacrifice.

Zechariah received a word from an angel about his son who would prepare the way for the Savior. Join me at W2W Ministries for the rest of this post and a giveaway HERE .


Photo by Artyom Kulikov on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Inspire Me Monday .