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Never Been A Day

In reflecting upon the last few months, the word “unprecedented” kept returning to my thoughts. I thought it might be time to revisit these words … “On the day the Lord gave the Israelites victory over the Amorites, Joshua prayed to the Lord...

The Bread of Life

When my love of reading collided with writing book reviews, it was a blessing beyond my expectations. The wonderful books, and the lives who have written them, constantly enriches and fills my soul in the loveliest of ways. Tammy Mashburn first crossed my path in...

Worship Works Wonders

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess his name.” (Hebrews 13: 15, NIV) “Worship does to the soul what a spring rain does to a thirsty field. It soaks down, seeps in,...

He Saves

“For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ.” (Colossians 1:19, NLT) “God saves, not God empathizes, cares, listens, helps, assists, or applauds. God saves. Specifically “he will save his people from their sins.” Jesus came...

As An Infant

“So the Word became human and made his home among us.” (John 1:14, NLT) “People have always wondered about the image of God. Societies have speculated. Tribes have cogitated. And we’ve reached a variety of conclusions. We’ve fancied God...