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Sure of You

I put Jocelyn in for a nap each day, following the same routine every time. We race down my hall to see who will get to the sound machine first and get to turn it on. Somehow, she always wins 🙂 Not sure if it is the head start she gives herself or that she pushes past...

Just Do It

The other morning, I spent time catching up on something I had put off. I had put it off for a long time. As a matter of fact, so long that I would be embarrassed to admit just how long. It felt wonderful to finally take care of it and be done. To have it done. The...

Wednesdays With Winnie

Love. We all want it in our lives. We long to feel love, be loved and give love. Some people are in our lives and loving them comes easily. Others — well, not so much. They can come as a challenge, if we’re flat out honest. And yet, Jesus calls us to love:...

Spell Love

  “Three things will last forever””faith, hope, and love””and the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT)