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Influence, Envy & Friendships

We spent the week in “Settle My Soul” looking more closely at the topics of influence, envy, and friendships … ~*~*~ “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; and through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare...

A Friend Loves

I have always loved having kids in my car. Put a kid, or a group of kids, in a car and you are sure to have the most meaningful conversation. When my own children were growing up, I would volunteer to carpool, drive for field trips or sports games. Tiring at times?...
The Picker-Upper

The Picker-Upper

Friends. They come in every size and shape. Some are extroverts, while others remain introverted. There are the active athletes and the sedentary bookworms. And then there are those who are fun to be around. The ones who make us laugh and enjoy the moment, even when...

Frosty & Friendship

The children’s story of Frosty the Snowman has delighted people for years. The friendly snowman is able to romp through the town with the children when his top hat brings him to life. I have heard the song a few times over the last few weeks and several thoughts...