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With All My Heart

“I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.” (Psalm 9:1, NASB) “I must confess that there are times when I don’t praise the Lord with my whole heart … Granted, there are times when it’s hard...

God. Plan. Move.

This past week, we began the Hello Morning’s study – God. Plan. Move – covering three core components of a good morning routine. We all need to determine in our hearts to meet with Him, to stay the course, and grow in God. In reading Psalm 143:8 and...

My Place of Safety

One afternoon last week, the call came instructing us all to get inside, locking doors and windows until further notice. It was a police robo call informing us the police were looking for a criminal in our neighborhood, on my very street, no less. The hunt actually...
He Satisfies Completely

He Satisfies Completely

In this last week of studying in the Psalms, we focused on this thought … “He satisfies completely. Therefore, I will choose to be filled by Him.” There is a lasting satisfaction and fulfillment which comes only from spending time with Him. Psalm 63....

Invisible Protection

I listened as my son described what could have been a horrible car accident. Knowing that he is not given to exaggeration, I knew the description was a mild account of what actually had transpired. For the rest of the afternoon, my mind recounted the details realizing...