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May We Awaken to His Presence

“Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16, NASB) “A revelation of the indwelling Spirit was the remedy Paul offered the Corinthian Christians for their unholiness … Their need,...

Faith, Prayer & Our Helper

It was wonderful to resume the study of Romans: The Gospel-Centered Life Vol. 2 – Romans 8-16, by The Daily Grace Co. Our study picked up with reading Romans 1-16. Yes, all sixteen chapters. I was surprised to find myself struck by different verses, especially...

The Promise Within Us

Lately I have been thinking about the Holy Spirit. Christ, in talking with His disciples, promises them they will never be alone. He also promises they will have the Spirit of truth indwell them. Christ explains further:  that the Holy Spirit will teach them all...

Praying in the Spirit

Prayer still remains such a mystery, leaving much for us to continue to learn. This week let’s continue to seek wisdom and understanding as to the meaning of “praying in the Spirit.” What does this mean? Samuel Chadwick, in “The Path of Prayer” brings these...

Resurrection Power

It’s been weeks at this point – eight weeks to be exact – and I have no idea how they flew by so quickly. This post has been sitting in draft form for just that long as I tried to get my thoughts around it all. In the early morning hours of driving...