We so want you to walk. You so desire to walk. You do not want your little hands to have to hold on to a bigger set of hands. You want to do it on your own. So we watch you & our hearts are in our mouths. We watch out for the corners of furniture. We put our hands out to protect your little head & face. The last thing we want to witness is your precious little face planting itself on the floor. This is surely the hardest part in this last twelve months.
Your little legs have gotten stronger. Your balance is improving these last few days. You seem to be getting better at catching yourself or letting yourself down gracefully š
A part of us knows that this is only the beginning of falls. Life can deal us some hard blows. Most of which, none of us will be able to prevent. The falls are all a part of the process of learning to walk. The teetering, the little bums, the black and blues are all markers of the learning process.
As I watch this process, I know that there is Only One who will be able to help you maintain your step & keep you from falling. He gently reminds me….
If the Lord delights in a man’s way, He makes his steps firm.
Though he stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with His hand.
(Psalm 37:23-24)
I linked with Five Minute Friday and Fellowship Fridays and Womanhood With Purpose and Faith Filled Friday and Friendship Friday and Bible Love Notes and Friday Favorite Things .
Nice:) I really like that verse from the bible:)
What a wonderful thing it is to watch our little ones take their first step.
It really is! We can learn so much from watching them š Thank you for stopping by!
Random and not at all about your post, but our daughter so loves Minnie and that little outfit happens to be the cutest ever! What a doll.
It is amazing how children love Mickey & Minnie. Thank you for the visit!
Love this verse. I can so remember my kids learning to walk and then watching my grandson learn. And that’s just it…it’s a learning process. How wonderful it is to have God there to hold our hand and catch us when we fall.
It is a joy to watch my granddaughter not only learning to walk but exploring life. To experience it again through the eyes of a child is a blessing. Thank you for the visit!
Dear Joanne
I am sure this little angel was stolen from heaven!!! She is overly cute. Yes, I can imagine the angels working overtime helping our Pappa God picking up all His stubborn children!
Much love XX
She really is a beautiful little girl. Thank you so much! And for sure, this stubborn one (me!) has benefited from His helping hands š So glad for your visit today!
This was a beautiful reminder and the photo is so adorable! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!
Tina from Amanda’s Books and More
so good! He will cause us to walk well today! Thanks so much for this post.