So let’s talk about that trip to the mall. You know the one I am talking about. The one where you went to the mall with your two children & me. From the get go, things unraveled quickly. The whining for snacks & drinks. One not wanting to stay in the stroller. The rolling of the eyes. The answering back. The fussing. Loudly.
Your patience wore thin. It became a power struggle.
Then we went to lunch where the older one loudly announced that she needed to go to the bathroom. The meals had just arrived to the table. I offered to take her. The younger one also wanted out of the high chair. The two kids & I made the trek to the restroom.
You were embarrassed. OK, maybe you were more uncomfortable because you so wanted the trip to the mall to be perfect. Perfectly behaved children. Fun shopping. Getting all the things we needed. And the trip was anything but perfect. Even the ride home was noisy & full of chaos. It was then that you arrived at the place…..
Flash forward a few days.
We ventured out to Target today. Same children. The only thing different was that this time – it was fun. Both children were happy & enjoyed going out. They sat for lunch beautifully & all was well with the world.
Weary Mom, it is amazing the difference a day can make.
Children will be children.
They all have a bad day. Think about it, so do we.
And yet every day has been hand carved by God for each of us.
Don’t miss the lessons in the day. What is it that He is trying to teach even in the chaos? Even when you are at your wit’s end. I am reminded this morning of this truth found in Job 38:1:
Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm.
Sometimes in the midst of it all, He speaks to us. Some versions put it this way…”Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind.”
You know those days that seem to whirl around you? He. Is. Still. In. Those. Days.
We will only get one chance at this day. These days will pass quickly & be gone. We only have this twenty-four hour segment of time called today. May we make the most of these days.
With much love from me to you.
Today I am linked with Dear Weary Mom and Desire To Inspire and Thurs. Favorite Things and Bloglovin’ Blog Hop and Thought Provoking Thurs. .
You are so right. Not only is He still there in the chaos, He is probably more there–or at least we are more aware of Him there. I have come to think that those moments of disruption are the times with which God trust us so that we have another opportunity to reach out to Him. He knows us so well and wants us so close.
I am so glad that you shared your thoughts. You are so right – we are MORE aware of Him & our need for Him in those times. I am so glad that you stopped by this morning!
Have a great Thursday,
Beautiful reminder today. I wonder sometimes if the storms do come so we can be still enought to listen.
For sure. In the middle of the storm, I think we better recognize our great need for Him. Thanks for sharing today!
Okay, this one was just what I needed today! We had a Target trip this week that matched your mall trip and I was still trying to figure out what I did wrong and wishing we hadn’t gone. Thanks for the reminder that’s it’s not me and God wants to speak to me through these situations.
This must have been the week for us all. Perhaps we need to be easier on ourselves & realize that trips like this are normal & are going to happen. I am so glad that the thoughts helped. Thanks for visiting 🙂
What a wonderful post Joanne… and certainly one I can relate to! Thank you for the reminder and wisdom 🙂
So glad that you visited. Thank you for encouraging me! Hope you come back 🙂