It is amazing how we can be in our fifties and a simple phone conversation can remind us of past wounds. Even open them up a little. Make us feel like that kid again.
And that’s where I found myself last week.
One phone call. A flash back to my childhood. Insecurities resurrected.
Except I kept them to myself. Oh, I talked about it alright but I stated, “It’s a good thing it does not have an affect on me any more.”
But truth be known – it had affected me. I just would not admit it. Days passed.
Then grace was delivered in my mailbox and it looked like this….
Before I even got it totally out of the package, I knew. My hands were shaking to think that it was what I thought.
A week ago, I had gone for a pedicure with my daughter. Loved the color that I had selected. My nails were kind of a mess. Our dishwasher was broken and doing the dishes had done a number to my nails and cuticles. I would not spend money on a manicure until the dishwasher was repaired. I told her I would wait a week or so and come back and get my nails done. In that color.
The dishwasher is now fixed and I had been trying to figure out when I would go get my nails done. Except now, with the passing of time, I had completely forgotten the name of the color.
“Blasted, I should have put it into my phone!”
Opening the package, I knew. I knew it would be the bottle of polish, in that color. Because my daughter takes notice and is thoughtful. But more so, because my God takes notice and is even more thoughtful.
As I unrolled the bottle of the shrink wrap, the bottle became precious. The tears started rolling. A symbol of grace and mercy to me. It was His way of affirming me. Of letting me know I matter to Him. He sees me. He is never too busy for me. I am not insignificant to Him. He knows my thoughts. He knows my hurts. He sees it all. I am not invisible.
He even knew exactly when to deliver it. It came on time. Before my heart hardened. Before I spewed back.
It was then that His Words went through my head…
O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!
(various portions of Psalm 139, NLT)
Today I am grateful that grace shows up in my life. Grace is never in short supply. Grace always speaks loudly.
And sometimes, well, sometimes grace shows up looking just like this!
Today I am linked with …. Tell His Story and Thought Provoking Thurs. and Thriving Thurs. and Desire To Inspire and Thankful Thurs. and The Cozy Reading Spot and From House To Home and Thurs. Favorite Things and Blog Lovin’ Blog Hop .
Grace is a beautiful, amazing gift and can come in many different forms. He does know exactly what we need and when. What a sweet daughter you have! How incredibly thoughtful of her to follow His nudge and send you this gift.
Candace –
Thank you for the reminder to be faithful to follow His nudges. We never know what those nudgings will accomplish in the life of another person. So glad that you stopped here today!
Cute story. Enjoy your nail polish.
God is so good- down to the very last detail. Thankful for His display of grace in your life!
Your post made me tear up. I know how it can feel to have wounds reopen and pretend that they haven’t. I also know the feeling of on time grace. What a refreshing feeling it is on my soul. It’s like a shower after a week without AC in South Florida (I’ve lived that).
Your daughter is so sweet and thoughtful. You are blessed.
Love that – “on time grace”! I have surely been blessed by my daughter. By my son. By my family that keeps growing. Thank you for stopping here & sharing. It was appreciated!