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{{Today I am linked with Lisa Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. Here is how it worksā€¦. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Lots of women. Equals a great time.}}

This week’s word….


There are days we all wish we had them. You know the days…

  • when the kids are acting up – all day
  • when you keep spilling one thing after another – all day
  • when the line at the supermarket is very long and you are short on time
  • when nothing you do seems to go right
  • when your feelings are so hurt, you want to run

It is then that I think of them. I loved the movie as a kid, making sure that I watched it every year when it was show on television. Dorothy was so lucky. All it took was three clicks. Three and she was home. I am talking about these…

Yes, the red ruby slippers.

It was those red slippers that would get one home. Where it was safe.

It was those very same red slippers that caused her so much trouble as well as everyone wanted them. Everyone wanted to know where home was and how to get there. And so this morning, red reminds me….

Jesus went to prepare a place for me. He tells me that He will come back and take me to be with Him. Interestingly, red, plays a part, the only part, in my getting home to Him. For it is through His death on the Cross, His shed blood, that I have found forgiveness…

Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool. (Isaiah 1:18, NLT)

Today I am linked with Five Minute Friday and Faithful Fri. and Faith Filled Fri. and Fellowship Fridays and Essential Fridays and Fri. Flash Blog and Faithful Fri. and Friendship Fri. and Fun Fri. and Free To Talk Fri. .