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Earlier this week, I wrote a post on looking upwards. A few days later, I read this prayer:

God, narrow our focus upon you. We confess that we are so easily distracted by the many allures and temptations of the world that would steal our attention away from you. Please forgive us for failing to lift up our eyes to you as we should. In our weakness, cause us to lift up our eyes of faith and look exclusively to you. By your Spirit, work within us so that we might rely solely upon you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(taken from The Holman old Testament Commentary, Volume 12, page 267)

“I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains? No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.” (Psalm 121:1, MSG).

Today I am joining … The Sunday Community and Spiritual Sundays and Sunday Stillness and Still Saturday and Scripture & A Snapshot .